Patrizia Cavadini is the head of the Laboratory of Proteomics and TSE Diagnostics at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia-Romagna “Bruno Ubertini” (IZSLER) in Brescia (Italy). Main topics: development of biomolecular diagnostic assays for the identification of lagoviruses in biological samples; classical virology activities based on the use of ELISA tests for the identification of lagoviruses; diagnostic service for RHDV and EBHSV in support of international programs including sero-surveillance to monitor viral circulation and field studies to assess immune response in infected animals. She is active in the framework of the Italian National Reference Centre for Rabbit Haemmorragic Disease, which includes the WOAH Reference Laboratory for RHD.
She also collaborates with the WOAH Reference Laboratory for Myxomatosis.
Before joining IZSLER she worked as research associate at Mayo Clinic and at the University of Brescia studing the molecular pathogenic mechanisms underlying Friedreich’s ataxia diseases and related disorders of iron metabolism.
She received her bachelor’s in biological sciences from Milan University and her master’s and doctorate in Applied Genetics from Milan University.
She is the co-author of more than 39 original papers in International Journals with Impact Factor and more than 100 scientific contributions