Histological Materials

This collection includes tissues collected during projects focused on experimental animal infections, tissues examined during histological routine work and normal tissues from different species of veterinary interest.

Materials, embedded in paraffin, have different origin both as regards to the species (mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fishes, etc.) as well as the organs.

All the paraffin embedded materials have an histological diagnosis and viral and bacterial diseases have been confirmed by other laboratory tests such as PCR, viral isolation; bacteriological isolation and characterization, and others.

Each slide does not necessarily refer to just one pathology. It is not uncommon to observe pathologies in association, often acting in a synergic way.

In the collection the materials are stored in a bio-block paraffin embedded status and histological sections are performed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, at the time of the request. .

Quality management system

IZSLER laboratories, that supply biological resources to IBVR, use testing methods performed according to UNI EN ISO/IEC 17025 quality system.


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