The IBVR biobank currently hosts parasites collected by laboratory activities performed on food and biological samples from farmed animals, pets and wildlife animals.
Precaution are not essential because parasites are stored in alcohol (70%) or potassium dichromate solution and so are not viable. Media request usual precaution in handling vials and other containers. Check after intervals the level of liquid media and – if necessary – add fresh liquid.
Quality controls
This check may include microscopical and macroscopical observations.
Taxonomic identity of each strain is checked by the most significant techniques available for this purpose and the taxon in question. The following options are available for identity checks: morphology (by taxonomic keys); pathologic lesions and host species.
Quality management system
IZSLER laboratories, that supply biological resources to IBVR, use testing methods performed according to UNI EN ISO/IEC 17025 quality system.
Updated to July 2022
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