
Biological resources can be stored at IZSLER-BVR facilities as a second site or backup security system (safe deposit) or for deposit in the open collection. These services can be performed for microorganisms and viruses that can be preserved frozen or freeze-dried in mechanical freezers (-20°C, -80°C) or in nitrogen vapor phase (-80°C), cell cultures that are cryopreserved in nitrogen vapor phase in cryogenic tanks monitored by a specific control and alarm system (-196°C). All samples are labeled with bi-dimensional barcode and data are collected in a data base software that allows to trace number and position of each sample.

All biological resources are deposited at the temperature and conditions related to the characteristics of the material.

Intending Depositors are requested to fill in the specific Deposit Entry Form.

The following categories of deposit are currently available:

Safe Deposit Open Deposit Patent deposit under Budapest treaty


To deposit biological resources, please read each term of the deposit agreement. Please be sure to contact us at the address shown below before deposit, since some biological resources may not be accepted for safety and other reasons.



Biobank Veterinary Resources (BVR)

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna (IZSLER)

Via A. Bianchi, 9

25124 Brescia


Phone: +39 030 2290 273/536
