The Animal Viruses Collection includes mainly viruses from different animal species isolated during the routine IZSLER diagnostic activity, but also Reference strains (for example from ATCC) or viruses obtained from collaborations with other Veterinary Institutes.
Due to this diagnostic basis, the viruses were mainly isolated from farm animals (mostly cattle, swine and poultry), and to a lesser extent from equines and pets.
The Collection includes a wide range of viruses representing different viral families, species and types from a variety of sources. All viruses have been isolated mainly in primary cell cultures, but also in cell lines and chicken embryos, depending on the material origin and animal species.
Regarding the isolation period, the collection started during the 70’s, and for some particular viruses (for example Aujeszky’s disease virus, Avian and Swine influenza viruses and Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus) it covers several decades.
They are stored frozen (-80°C).
Quality parameters
After isolation, all the viruses are identified by using at least one specific molecular (PCR) or serological (immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase, virus-neutralization, ELISA) tests. Serological tests are based on Monoclonal Antibodies (MAbs) or polyclonal sera. For some strains genomic data (obtained by using sequencing of entire genes or part of these) and antigenic characteristics (made with MAbs panels) are also available.
Viral batches are then verified to avoid aspecific viral contamination and also tested for sterility. In particular they are controlled for bacteria, fungi and yeast contamination by using standard microbiological testing methods, and for micoplasmal growth by using a real time-PCR.
Each strain included in the collection has the exact amount of available material expressed in ml.
Quality management system
IZSLER laboratories, that supply biological resources to IBVR, use testing methods performed according to UNI EN ISO/IEC 17025 quality system.
Updated to July 2022
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